Roads and desalination stations


1- Extending and paving the road of the second phase of the road project of west Nabq tourist road- Sharm el sheikh- South Sinai along 4.6 km and costing LE 21 million.
2- Extending and paving the first phase of tourist roads in Marsa Shagraa ,Kosseir sector/ Marsa alam along 3 km and costing LE 5 million.
3- Establishing a desalination station in Ras dorry center -south Marsa alam with capacity 1000 m3/day.
4- Desalination stations under construction:


- One desalination station in Nekhela center, Ras Sudr sector with capacity 1500m3/day.
- One desalination station in Ras malaab center, Ras Sudr sector with capacity 1500m3/day.
- One desalination station in Shouny Moureen center, Kosseir/ Marsa Alam sector with capacity 1500m3/day.

TDA-Projects TDA-Projects